4 K-Dramas that Stand the Test of Time


With the amount of brilliantly produced K-Dramas coming out left and right, there is no doubt that our to-watch list keeps getting longer and longer. But sometimes, there are dramas that are still iconic despite being released a long time ago. The dramas in this list are exactly like that­: dramas that you can watch over and over again and never get tired of, and still make you feel the same way you felt the first time you saw it.

Even before Gong Yoo’s Goblin character made its way to our hearts, Gong Yoo first captivated us as the charming and clumsy bachelor Choi Han Gyul. Coffee Prince remains to be iconic even after more than 10 years since its release. The fact that the coffee shop they filmed at is still being visited by Coffee Prince fans from all around the world is proof of its popularity. It’s the drama that everyone­—from new K-Drama fans to professional K-Drama fans—has watched at least once (or twice!) in their lives. The story of how Choi Han Gyul (Gong Yoo) and Go Eun Chan (Yoon Eun Hye) found love—literally—in a coffee shop makes you want to go to the nearest coffee shop and fall in love.

If you weren’t one of those people who sang and danced to The Three Bears Song after watching Full House, are you really living your life right? Considered as one of the major causes of the Hallyu wave, Full House rightfully earned a spot in this list. Who wouldn’t swoon over Rain and Song Hye Kyo’s chemistry on the small screen? The comedic banters of the two main characters effortlessly fueled their love story. This drama is one of those masterpieces that you can’t help but start again. You watch one episode after another, and the next thing you know, you’ve already finished the drama again. 

This drama is a recent classic, being released only in 2015. Reply 1988 took us on a rollercoaster ride of emotions—from tearing up from laughing too much to weeping over emotional scenes. The way it got us stressed out from guessing who Song Deok Sun was going to end up with spoke volumes on how good this drama is (it even broke records on cable ratings!). It’s not only the story that is amazingly written; every single character in the drama held a place in everyone’s heart. It’s incredible how the writers made every viewer fond of the characters in the drama—that’s how good every actor portrayed their roles.

  • Secret Garden

This drama remains to be one of the best dramas out there. Secret Garden’s hate-to-love story and the magical body switching of the main characters were the reasons why it is one of the fans’ gateways to K-Drama. Let’s be honest. The sit up kiss scene between Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won is still as iconic as ever. The story is nothing new to the K-Drama world—poor girl and rich guy falling in love—but the way the actors gave life to their roles easily makes this one for the books.

K-Dramas come and go, but some of the really amazing ones stay in our hearts forever. These dramas defined and refined what K-Dramas should be. What K-Drama is your favorite to re-watch?

Source: K-Music Insider

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