6 K-Drama OSTs to Bring Back the Feels


Imagine you’re listening to your playlist and all of a sudden the OST from your favorite drama comes on shuffle, and every feeling you felt when you watched the drama all comes rushing to you. There’s no doubt that OSTs intensify our feelings towards the drama and its characters. It can make us imagine sad scenes, happy scenes, or a combination of both! Here are examples of K-Drama OSTs that makes you want to binge-watch the drama all over again:

1. All About You – Taeyeon

2. Let Us Go – Crush

3. Start – Gaho

4. Stay With Me – Chanyeol, Punch

5. My Destiny – Lyn

6. Everytime – Chen, Punch

I know these OSTs took you back to Hotel Del Luna, made you miss Captain Ri, Se Ri and the whole gang, and imagined yourself in DanBam. OSTs work like magic and their magic is extremely essential in all K-Dramas. What are your favorite K-Drama OSTs?

Source: K-Music Insider

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