Actress Kyung Soojin Shared The Key Secret To Walking In The House With Shoes


Everyone knows that it’s a huge faux pas to walk in the house with shoes, particularly in Asian households. It just isn’t done.

In an episode of Home Alone, actress Kyung Soojin faced a dilemma. She had already put her shoes on and was ready to head out the door…

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube

… Before realized she’d forgotten her wallet in the house…

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube

Taking off her shoes would have slowed her down (remember, she was pretty much out the door at this point) and it’s not like she could leave without her wallet, right? So, what’s a gal to do?

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube

Showing her true genius, Soojin walked completely on the side of her feet in order to get to her wallet! ??

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube

While it isn’t necessarily a perfect method for keeping your carpet clean and germ-free, it certainly is ingenuitive and Soojin deserves a pat on the back for her creative thinking!

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