BLACKPINK Lisa’s “Good Thing” Dance Practice Proves She’s A True Dance Genius


Every single time BLACKPINK‘s Lisa hits the stage she leaves everyone breathless with her stunning dance moves. Seeing Lisa dance, it’s no surprise she’s earned the role of main dancer. Lisa isn’t just an exceptional dancer, however, she’s a true dance genius and a recent dance practice video proves it!

Image: @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

Choi Young Joon, one of Korea’s top choreographers who has worked on the choreography for songs like TWICE‘s “Knock Knock” and Wanna One‘s “Energetic”, recently uploaded a teaser followed by a full video of Lisa’s “Good Thing” dance practice.

BLINK first got their look at Lisa’s dance cover of Kehlani‘s “Good Thing” while BLACKPINK were on tour. With Lisa’s smooth moves, it was no surprise that her performance quickly went viral, even getting noticed by Kehlani herself!” data-wpel-link=”external” target=”_blank” rel=”external noopener noreferrer

When BLINK got to see behind-the-scenes of the dance, however, they were even more amazed. The practice session not only highlighted Lisa’s incredible fluidity when it comes to dancing but it also let everyone see just how quickly Lisa picks up choreography.

Within moments of Choi Young Joon guiding her and the other dancers through the choreography, Lisa had already picked up each and every detail of the moves.

Lisa’s incredible skills and lightning-fast ability to learn the choreography was even highlighted by Choi Young Joon who captioned the original Instagram teaser clip with, “The first day of Lisa’s dance practice for BLACKPINK’s concert. Lisa, a genius in learning and mastering.

Exceptional dancer and a true dance genius, that’s what Lisa is! Watch the full dance practice video for yourself to witness Lisa’s stunning abilities.

Source: Koreaboo

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