Destined With You releases first OTP posters


Destined With You releases first OTP posters

Squeeee! I’m getting good vibes already. Right on the heels of King the Land, it looks like we’ll have another fun JTBC romance headed our way (along with Behind Your Touch) — in the shape of Destined With You. With Kim Ro-woon (Tomorrow) and Jo Boa (Military Prosecutor Doberman) in the lead, it’s already a given that I’ll be on the cheer squad for this drama. *Please be good*

In the fantasy romance, Jo Boa plays civil servant Lee Hong-jo who comes in contact with an ancient book — sealed from the public eye. This book actually holds the secret to the curse that has been plaguing our attorney hero Jang Shin-yu (Kim Ro-woon) and his family for generations. Naturally, their lives (and affections) become tied due to broken curses and ~fate~, but there’s also our second lead characters to make things more complicated. Ha Joon (Missing: The Other Side 2) plays our heroine’s colleague and crush, while Yura (Forecasting Love and Weather) is our hero’s girlfriend — who also just so happens to bully Hong-jo regularly. (Do I sense the opportunity for Protective Ro-woon to emerge? Count me in!)

The drama has wasted no time dropping its first posters, and even though the Photoshop runs strong, I’m really liking the overall feel: there’s a fun contrast of the workplace/office structure with the ancient/fantastical component, as evidenced by the lovely traditional painting in the background.

Also, the fact that the production company thought it necessary to release not one but two nearly identical posters makes me think they similarly won’t hold back with the rest of the drama. And the all-in approach is exactly what a drama like this needs.

Penning the script for Destined With You is Noh Ji-sul, in her first drama since smash hit 100 Days My Prince. PD Nam Ki-hoon has also raised expectations for the drama, with the likes of Tunnel, Big Bet, and Kiss Sixth Sense (phewf, a romance) on his resume.

JTBC’s Destined With You premieres on August 23 in the Wednesday-Thursday slot.

Via SportsChosun



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