Drama viewership ratings for the week of Nov. 15-21, 2021


Drama viewership ratings for the week of Nov. 15-21, 2021

Let’s see how our new shows are faring, shall we? Early in the week, Idol: The Coup remained under 1 percent, while Secret Royal Inspector and Joy stayed strong. Also in this timeslot, The King’s Affection hit its highest rating with its twelfth episode.

Then, later in the week, Melancholia‘s numbers went down, and The Red Sleeve Cuff‘s went up. The Red Sleeve Cuff and Now, We Are Breaking Up are now in a super tight race, both getting around 7-8 percent. Overall, it seems like our sageuks are performing really well!

Drama viewership ratings for the week of Nov. 15-21, 2021

Ep. # Station Rating
Monday, Nov. 15
The King’s Affection 11 KBS 7.1%
Idol: The Coup 3 JTBC 0.7%
Secret Royal Inspector and Joy 3 tvN 5.3%
Tuesday, Nov. 16
The King’s Affection 12 KBS 8.8%
Idol: The Coup 4 JTBC 0.6%
Secret Royal Inspector and Joy 4 tvN 5.1%
Wednesday, Nov. 17
Reflection of You 11 JTBC 2.4%
Melancholia 3 tvN 2.5%
Thursday, Nov. 18
Reflection of You 12 JTBC 2.8%
Melancholia 4 tvN 1.6%
Friday, Nov. 19
The Red Sleeve Cuff 3 MBC 7.0%
Now We Are Breaking Up 3 SBS 7.3%
Happiness 5 tvN 3.5%
Saturday, Nov. 20
Young Lady and Gentleman 17 KBS 28.0%
The Red Sleeve Cuff 4 MBC 7.5%
Now We Are Breaking Up 4 SBS 7.9%
Inspector Koo 7 JTBC 1.8%
Chimera 7 OCN 0.9%
Happiness 6 tvN 3.1%
Jirisan 9 tvN 7.8%
Sunday, Nov. 21
Young Lady and Gentleman 18 KBS
Inspector Koo 8 JTBC
Chimera 8 OCN
Jirisan 10 tvN



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