Here’s Why EXO’s Chen Is Actually Destined To Be A Great Father, According To Astrology


EXO‘s Chen and his wife have recently confirmed the news that their daughter has been born…


…and EXO-Ls all over the world showed their love and support by welcoming the baby and calling her as “EXO’s Princess”.” data-wpel-link=”external” target=”_blank” rel=”external noopener noreferrer” data-wpel-link=”external” target=”_blank” rel=”external noopener noreferrer” data-wpel-link=”external” target=”_blank” rel=”external noopener noreferrer

Now that Chen is officially starting his journey as a certified father, aren’t you curious as to how his behavior will be like in interacting with his daughter?


After all, he has expressed his future intention to be a great father in the past.” data-wpel-link=”external” target=”_blank” rel=”external noopener noreferrer

It seems like Chen’s in great hands — according to astrology, Chen’s destiny to be a great father is actually approved by the stars.

Let’s take a close look at Chen’s date of birth. It’s September 21, so this makes him fall under the zodiac sign of Virgo.

As an individual, Virgos are hard-working, creative and reliable. EXO-Ls are naturally familiar with seeing these characteristics in Chen as he trained for several months before joining EXO — and even after this, he always made it a point to practice and improve his vocal skills.

Virgos also have a deep sense of humanity, and they love to share their blessings with the world — and Chen’s a perfect representation of this trait as he frequently donates to causes he cares about.

So, how will Chen be as a father, then? Virgo men often dream of becoming fathers — and they would like to do their best in raising children who will have a positive impact on the world.

As a Virgo father, Chen will possibly love to connect with his daughter through teaching her the life lessons that he has learned along the way.

He may even want to teach her about the performing arts, specifically singing, since Virgos love it if their loved ones will be interested in what they’re passionate about, too.

Finally, the great thing about Chen’s zodiac sign is that because of it, he has the tendency to show interest also in whatever his daughter will be interested in!

To a Virgo father like Chen, there is hardly anything more important than knowing that his daughter knows that her father loves her with all of his heart.

Congratulations once again on becoming a father, Chen!

Source: Koreaboo

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