JTBC Releases New Response Addressing The Mounting Backlash Against “Snowdrop”+ BLACKPINK Jisoo’s Character Name To Be Changed


JTBC has released a new statement to address the controversy surrounding its upcoming drama “Snowdrop.”

JTBC; again; dispels the rumors that the drama is distorting history, they shared portions of the drama actual storyline to counter the rumors.

In their statement, they reveal their position once again due to the speculations and misunderstandings that occurred even after their first response. They stated that a portion of the characters’ introductions was leaked and contents that were false were circulated around as if they were true.

Here is what they said broken down into points.

Point 1:

Regarding the problem of disparaging the Democratic Movement, JTBC says “Snowdrop” isn’t a drama that deals with the movement, the setup doesn’t even have the female or male lead participating or leading the Democratic Movement. The drama will be about a character unfairly accused of being a spy during the military regime in the 80s.

Point 2:

The drama shall focus on the theme of the 1987’s political situation surrounding the presidential election and not the Democratic Movement, the fictional story will told about the military regime, the National Security Agency and how they have vested interest in keeping the status at the time and maintain power with the help of North Korea.

Point 3:

Under this premise, the main characters that appear are a North Korean agent and a National Security Agent after him [the first male lead]. They will not be characters that represent their own government or organizations, meaning these will be the bad characters that are greedy for power, unlike the criticism the drama faced for romanticizing espionage and the National Security Agency, its rather a critical piece of them.

Point 4:

Regarding the national security agent that is being represented as ‘upright,’ its done so because he refused a powerful role in his country and instead works overseas after he is disappointed to see the way his colleagues are behaving, “creating” spies instead of “catching” them. He rather turns his back on the corrupt organization and does what he believes is right.

Point 5:

They clarified that the character in the drama with the name “Chun Young Cho” isn’t relevant to “Chun Young Cho- the activist in reality.” They’ve decided to change the name of the character; played by Jisoo; in response to the critique by k-netizens.

JTBC finishes their statement asking netizens to not make false reports and mislead the public by framing false information as if they were true.

Snowdrop” is led by Jung Hae In, BLACKPINK Jisoo, Jang Seung Jo, Yoon Se Ah, Kim Hye Yoon and Jung Yoo Jin.

The drama is set to air in the second half of 2021.

https://twitter.com/jtbclove/status/1376821505368145921?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer


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