Lee Mijoo Gets Harsh Backlash For Sharing Her Dangerous Diet


Lee Mijoo has been a cast member for variety show Hangout With Yoo since 2021, and continues to be a contributing voice on the series. However, something she revealed during a recent episode has been getting quite a bit of backlash, both for what Mijoo said and the fact that they still broadcast it.

While in the car with other cast members, somehow the topic of diet came up. Mijoo shared that she doesn’t eat breakfast, and in fact won’t eat anything until much later in the day.

Mijoo: “I wake up in the morning…”

Mijoo:”And I won’t eat anything until 4pm.”

When the other cast expressed shock over her revelation, she confirmed her dangerous practice, and said that she’ll only drink water when she gets up.

Host: “You don’t eat anything when you wake up?”

Mijoo: “Nothing goes in… Aside from water.”

She also shared that when she does finally eat around 5pm, all she’ll order is a salad.

Mijoo: “Then I’ll order a salad at 5pm.”

Caption: Even fellow light eaters were surprised by one meal a day.

Mijoo is far from the first idol to reveal that they allegedly take part in dangerous eating habits, but that didn’t keep her from getting backlash for sharing her diet. Netizens worry that young and impressionable viewers could hear this and try to copy Mijoo’s diet, which could lead to malnutrition or eating disorders.

Others wonder why this section of the episode was even allowed to air, and that the broadcast company should have just cut it out. Here’s how some people are commenting on the situation.

Do you think this kind of conversation should be censored?

Source: Instiz and Pann Choa


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