Bromance is in the air as Lee Seung gi and Jasper Liu promote their newest variety show ”Twogether.”
Seung gi said that he and Jasper now have matching pajamas during the virtual press conference held today, June 23, on Youtube. The event which was attended by Asian journalists listened to the answer to the question Super K posed for the two stars.
We wanted to know at what point of the show did they realize that they were already close to each other. Seung gi did not hesitate to answer.

“I don’t know how this is going to sound to the Asian press but in Korea, especially in unscripted shows, we don’t really tend to change into a well put together set of pajamas when we go to bed,” Seung-gi said.
Seung gi is known for appearing in several variety shows including “2 Days and 1 night” and “All the Butlers.” These two shows in particular had the actor stay overnight in their shooting locations.
“However when I saw Jasper change into very Prince-like pajamas. That’s when I felt like okay we really come from different cultures,” he said. His answer made Jasper laugh.
Pajamas equals brotherhood
Seung gi’s reaction to his pajamas left a huge impression on Jasper. The two took a week-long break between shoots. When they reunited in Nepal, Jasper had a surprise gift for his brother–his own set of silk pajamas in a different color.
Lee Seung gi said that was when he felt like they were “one and are really, truly close friends now.” Jasper echoed Seung-gi’s thoughts.
“When Seung gi changed into the pajama set that I gave him as a present that I really felt like we really became close,” Jasper said.
Seung gi playfully teased him by speaking directly to the press in English. It was the only time he spoke the language during the hour-long press conference.
“The pajama he gave to me, its color is gold,” Lee Seung gi said, expounding on the pajama-gate further.
“Champagne gold,” Jasper corrected him. It turned out that Jasper had the design of pajama but in navy blue color.
Seung-gi couldn’t let the color go and further explained the difference.

Gold versus blue
“He would wear a very calm and common color but give me one in champagne gold. After returning to Korea, I still haven’t gotten it out of the bag yet,” he said.
Jasper couldn’t help but give him advice.
“I recommend that you wear it when no one’s around and just pretend you are a prince,” Jasper said.
“Okay,” his friend answered while giving him an “okay” sign.
The host recommended Lee Seung gi to wear the pajama and upload it on Instagram when the show launches on June 26.
“Sure, but I don’t wear that thing,” Seung gi said grinning widely.
Watch the banter between the two friends on Netflix starting June 26.
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