“Mouse” Episode 3 And 4 Review – A Huge Plot Twist, Who Is The Serial Killer?


tvN’s new drama “Mouse” has introduced another HUGE plot twist with its 4th episode, and we’re here to talk about it and discuss what just happened.

Mouse” has been a mixed bag thus far in my opinion, especially with its premiere, but as the episodes goes by, we get to see bits and pieces of the full picture and it’s looking promising.

I must say I like the dynamics in “Mouse” thus far in terms of relationships, I especially like that we won’t have a love triangle in such a messy environment and that the stakes are already very high.

Note: this is a subjective review and filled with spoilers of the episodes in the title. I will share my personal opinion while keeping in mind how others might perceive it.

Both female leads have connections to what could be serial killers, so let us discuss “Mouse” Episode 3 And 4.

I didn’t expect Hong Ju to have been dating the serial killer Sung Yo Han, she also seems to be aware of his true identity according to what I saw “Mouse” episode 4.

Mouse” episode 3 honestly surprised me; I didn’t expect Doctor Daniel Lee to be killed so early on in the series. They’re moving at a faster-than-expected pace which is very intriguing considering how “Mouse” is actually going to be 20 episodes long. If this is the type of plot progressions we’re gonna get each week, I wonder how far the screenwriter is willing to take it.

If there is one thing I noticed about “Mouse” episode 3 specifically is how sloppy serial killer Sung Yo Han is. After people saw the 4th episode, some think he’s not even a serial killer, but we see his face killing doctor Daniel Lee, so I assume that he’s at least killed some people. He’s also killed his friend when the police began zoning in on him.

The thing that shocked me, like I said before, is how sloppy he was. Especially with the murder of the grandma and his friend, if he gets caught in multiple situations close to the killings, it will certainly attract attention and he’ll be eventually caught.  

At this pace, this guy will be caught very soon. They will soon tie him to his friend some way or another, and with enough digging, they could eventually find out that the grandma had gone to his house. Even if they don’t pin the rest of the murders on him, he’ll be charged with at least 3 eventually.

However, I don’t know if he’s killed all of the victims we’ve seen thus far, let me explain why below!

If Jung Ba Reum is a actually psychopath, there is no chance on hell he’d ever be a good boy but it’s mostly an image he’s keeping up, not every psychopath ends up a serial killer but psychopaths would struggle to show the emotions he shows with the depth we’ve seen thus far.

Since its genetic, it can’t ever be fixed. Period. I don’t know how the screenwriter plans on handling this part but I’d be very disappointed if he gave any of the serial killers in this drama a pass in terms of a redemption arc. These people don’t feel the same way normal human beings do.


Or we could have been misled and Jung Ba Reum had kept the child with him to lure out the actual serial killer, and this was merely misdirection on the part of the screenwriter.

I am having trouble believing that the screenwriter would make the first male lead a serial killer, I have personally rarely seen it done before in kdramas, maybe in movies, but almost never in kdramas [exclude OSN dramas, specifically Strangers From Hell]. Often than not, it’s merely a bunch of misunderstandings that leads the viewers in the wrong direction to hide from the actual murderer. Screenwriters avoid doing that because it’d be difficult for the viewer to be attached to a terrible murderer, many would be turned off by it, it’s not easy to write scripts with unlikeable characters, it’s doable, but not easy.   

Another screenwriter had something similar with “Flower of Evil” but that case was a bit clearer to me, I knew almost instantly that I was watching what I’d label a ‘misdirection.’

What I concluded thus far is the following; there is more than one killer in this drama, this will likely be the case. It could be that the drama is about Jung Ba Reum and Sung Yo Han and their serial murders and how Go Mu Chi ends up finding out about them…. or it could be there is another serial killer aside from the one we know of thus far.

With how sloppy Sung Yo Han is, I find it difficult that he’d be able to get away with it for more than 8 more episodes and even then, we’d have about 8 episodes left. That’s a lot of content to write.

I am still not 100% convinced Jung Ba Reum is a serial killer, but if it turns out to be true, I’d be hella impressed. I wish that would be the case because it’d be interesting to see how people would react to seeing Lee Seung Gi playing a role so different from what he’s done this far in his career.

Some fans are sharing a different theory, that Jung Ba Reum is the one who killed the grandma and faked his car accident to avoid suspicions. This theory is backed up by how whenever we saw the basement of Sung Yo Han, it only had photos, which some could argue were taken from the police rather than by the actual killer. Jung Ba Reum could’ve been scared she found out about him somehow and went to kill her…. I don’t know how to feel about this theory but I am sharing it.

What is clear thus far is that whoever Jae Hoon [the child character] turns out to be is likely the serial killer they’re looking for, you can see the child eyeing the church cross when he left the police station and we’re almost certain he’s killed his father and his step-siblings.

So these are my thoughts on “Mouse” Episode 3 And 4, what about you guys? What theories do you have to share?


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