News bites: January 8, 2022


These projects are very exciting, yes. But the most development here is the return of news bites! It feels like I’m back in the old dramabeans days, when the site was packed and I was just shadowing without making an account (why did I wait so long to do that??).

Speaking of the projects, a lot of these actually sound pretty good.

It’s sad to see Yoon Shi-yoon not be a prime-time leading man but maybe a strong weekender is just the push his career needs. Besides, if it’s like Father is Strange or Once Again, I’ll watch all 50-something episodes and have no complaints.

It’s good to see Namgoong Min back – even if I wish he did something more comedic or romantic. I know he’s in a bit of a thriller/darkness kick lately (he’s damn good in those roles, I get it), but his lighter performances were so memorable and I want to see more of it.

More Han Ji-eun!! I don’t care for the premise and I barely understand how stocks work (maybe not the best thing to admit), but I’ve watched dramas with weirder premises win me over, so why not? Also, more Han Ji-eun is always nice.

Jeon Do-yeon as an assassin? *And* there’s Esom and Koo Kyo-hwan?? Sign me the fuck up, I am SOLD.

Now, the news that excites me the most. Jang Dong-yoon and Nana! That pairing sounds…amazing. JDY as Cupid sounds absolutely perfect and I already cannot wait for this drama. Yes, I’m still traumatized from Nana’s drama-that-shall-not-be-named but I’m willing to overlook that catastrophic blunder for this. I hope the writer is considerate about this and doesn’t plan to traumatize me further.


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