News bites: July 5, 2023


1. If this was pre-brownface, I would have been overjoyed and over the moon. Now, I’m still happy to see him finally make the envied career-jump, but my excitement has certainly dulled a little. *Sigh* being a South Asian fan can be tough at times.

2. My love-hate relationship with the Hong sisters aside, Kim Seon-ho’s last romcom script wasn’t the best and Son Seok-ku turning it down doesn’t exactly give me confidence…

3. I hope it’s just a mentor-mentee relationship and not a romance because a quick google search tells me that Lee Sang-yeop and Kim So-hye have a seventeen year age-gap, which is more than a little uncomfortable. Especially since she looks pretty young IMO.

4. Now this I am SUPER excited for! I hope I’ll get the time to watch it because it has slowly become one of my most anticipated dramas of the year somehow. Please be good please be good.

5. 10/10, no notes. Perfect title.

6. Shin Won-ho??!? Sign me the fuck up. And I’m one of those people who actually really likes Go Yoon-jung so this is fantastic news.

7. The first season was so beyond impressive and difficult to watch, I’m not sure how season two could live up to my sky-high expectations, but I’m still looking forward to it with bated breath.


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