News bites: May 9, 2023


1. “… and a mysterious murder” aaaand here goes my interest in the drama. Seriously can we have ONE, just one, drama without a fucking murder? Either South Korea secretly has the highest murder rates in the world or screenwriters have gone insane.

2. Never would’ve imagined saying this even a few weeks ago, but here goes: I can’t wait for the Jang Hyuk/Jang Nara drama to be over so that I can watch the (almost definitely) better Chun Woo-hee drama.

3. Exciting to see so many upcoming sageuk projects headlined by female protagonists playing real-life historical figures. Maybe a sign of the focus shifting from fusion, fluffy fare back to more serious, politically-focused storytelling? I hope so. I wonder who’s playing Lee Bang-won this time. In another timeline, maybe he could’ve pulled a Jang Hyuk and reprised the role for a second time in a different project, but sadly that’s not an option anymore…

4. May 12th! Can’t wait!! please don’t disappoint please don’t disappoint please don’t.

5. They really turned the brightness up to a hundred in that poster, huh. It’s blinding.

6. Holy shit, that cameo list is stacked! I already wanted to check this out, but now considered me hooked, line and sinker.


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