Premiere Watch: Black Knight


Premiere Watch: Black Knight

Time slot: Friday (single drop)
Broadcaster: Netflix
Genre: Sci-fi, action
Episode count: 6

Reasons to watch: Another sci-fi series from Netflix arrives, and I’m about as excited as I am skeptical — but funny enough, both of those emotions seem to coexist just fine. Our setting is a futuristic dying Earth that’s depleted of oxygen and, from the looks of it, full of crime and desperation. Kim Woo-bin plays one of the heroic deliverymen responsible for getting oxygen to people. But it’s never as simple as a (deadly) day job, right? He winds up going against the story’s big bad (Song Seung-heon), with Esom and Kang Yoo-seok joining the fight.

Sci-fi world-building is arguably hard to pull off in any capacity, but it’s especially hard for K-dramas. Since they’re generally more character focused and built around established patterns, it’s challenging to get stories that can pull off both concept and plot. But you have to hand it to them for trying. Lord knows I’ll keep tuning in.




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