Premiere Watch: Nothing Uncovered


Premiere Watch: Nothing Uncovered

Time slot: Monday-Tuesday
Broadcaster: KBS
Genre: Crime, thriller, mystery
Episode count: 16
Global streamer: Kocowa

Reasons to watch: Poor KBS doesn’t know quite how to market this drama, from their difficulty in settling on an adequate English translation for the title (which in the Korean reads “Let’s grab each other by the collar”), to their tonal shifts in promotional material (see: posters). However, don’t let this scare you. Sometimes, it’s the dramas that struggle during their promotion cycle that turn into the more interesting fare, so I’m still rooting for the drama to bring something worthwhile to my screen.

With Kim Haneul playing a tenacious reporter who not only discovers her husband is having an affair (NOT AGAIN, DRAMA GODS!) to becoming a suspect in the mistress’s murder, the stage is set for a lot of conflict and intrigue. The wonderful Jang Seung-jo plays her cheating husband, while Yeon Woo-jin plays her ex-boyfriend and the cop who comes to her aid. And while the drama is clearly tagged as a crime-thriller, those bedroom posters suggest we’ll be leaning more into the relational side of this story, to which I say: yes, please.

TL;DR: Kim Haneul is in quite the pickle when she’s caught between two men and has a murder suspicion hanging over her head



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