I know that keeping expectations low is the key to trauma-free kdrama watching… But! I! Just! Can’t! Wait! It’s been 3 years, you know. And even more if I count the time I waited for PHS to lead a (better) sageuk after disaster that was Hwarang. Honestly, at this point I don’t even care about romance subplot or how interesting the core mystery is (I already have my guesses after spoiling myself heavily with all the promos), I just want drama overall and Hyungsik in particular to do well. No, scratch that – I want greatness! All the time and work (a whole year of filming! *shudders*) poured into this must handsomely pay drama’s creators, right? Right?!
My heavy emotions aside, it’s really interesting (and somewhat worrying) how drama tries to present itself as multi-genred fresh spin of everything sageuk ever – out of 5 leads 3 are kdrama geeeniuses, for example. That’s definitely more that usual lol)))
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