Rapper Vinxen Apologizes For Mentioning Sulli And SHINee’s Jonghyun


Rapper Vinxen’s girlfriend revealed that he had reportedly cheated on her and that she was a victim of date violence. This became a hot issue through social media and Vinxen ultimately posted a message for the fans. “The only thing I can give you all is my music and the love and gratitude I have for you guys. If you want to leave, go. Stop trying to make me want to end my life.”



Unfortunately, it didn’t stop there as his anger about his girlfriends’ remarks caused him to continue posting messages online. “I want to stop hearing voices and I want to stop trying to end my life. I’ve been like this since I was 14 what do you expect. Sulli, Jonghyun. Please laugh at me too when Im gone.”



People felt that he stepped over the limit with his words and that he had disrespected the two artists’ names. They demanded that he apologize for his actions. Shortly after, he deleted all his messages and posted an apology statement.


Here is the statement:

There are no excuses for what I did in mentioning those people in my message. It is entirely all my fault. I deeply regret my actions as I have hurt many people through my excuses. I will make sure to never have this happen again. I truly apologize once again.


His agency also posted an official statement online and revealed that Vinxen was not in the right state of mind at the time. Vinxen has been receiving many negative and cruel messages after this situation broke out. This was hard for him as he has been battling depression for a long time and is currently on medication. He was not in his right state of mind while posting those messages online.”


They expressed their deepest regret and apology for the situation to the families and fans of the people mentioned in his message. “We would like to take the time to sincerely apologize to the names mentioned and their families and fans for hurting and disrespecting them. We will take better control of our artists and we apologize once again for this matter.”


Here is the official statement:

This is Vinxen’s agency Romantic Factory. We are posting this in regards to the issue about Vixen. First, there have been some issues regarding someone’s Instagram story with people assuming that it was talking about Vinxen. We have contacted the person and she has confirmed that she was not talking about him. We request that the rumors and false claims about this situation to stop. Also, Vinxen has been receiving many negative and cruel messages after this situation broke out. This was hard for him as he has been battling depression for a long time and is currently on medication. He was not in his right state of mind while posting those messages online. However, mentioning those people’s names is no excuse and it absolutely his fault. He is currently deeply regretting his actions regarding this matter. We would like to take the time to sincerely apologize to the names mentioned and their families and fans for hurting and disrespecting them. We will take better control of our artists and we apologize once again for this matter.



Fans are outraged at his actions and for disrespecting the artists’ names.

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Fans hope that he has learned his lesson from this and that he will be more aware before posting messages online to the public.

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