Ro-woon and Jo Boa share a star-crossed embrace in new teaser


Ro-woon and Jo Boa share a star-crossed embrace in new teaser

We get a better look at the fated connection between our two leads Kim Ro-woon (Tomorrow) and Jo Boa (Military Prosecutor Doberman) in the third teaser for JTBC’s upcoming drama Destined With You.

The story follows one downtrodden civil servant Lee Hong-jo (Jo Boa) who one day comes upon a wooden box that holds the key to lifting a centuries-old generational curse passed down onto the hotshot attorney Jang Shin-yu (Kim Ro-woon). When Shin-yu discovers the box has been opened, he’ll try to convince Hong-jo to lift his curse while she tries to avoid the advances of this (admittedly very handsome) stranger.

But it looks the entwined fates of the two actually go way beyond their current understanding as cursed and curse-breaker. In the newest teaser, it’s suggested that Hong-jo and Shin-yu’s Joseon-era past selves were also lovers and may have had something to do with the curse’s beginning.

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The teaser opens on a present-day Shin-yu standing in a garden across from Joseon-era Hong-jo while her present-day counterpart stands on a crowded bridge gazing at a Joseon Shin-yu. In the voiceover, Shin-yu wistfully gibes, “You don’t know what’s going to happen to me.” Hong-jo answers, “You don’t know anything about my future either.” To which he tosses back, “Yes I do. Because I’m going to make it happen.” (omo)

Amidst the starefest, we pivot to a dialogue between their past selves. Joseon Hong-jo is a servant, and she resignedly tells Joseon Shin-yu, “I saw the future. Young master, there is no place for me by your side.” And he responds by pulling her into an embrace (omo omo), and telling her, “Let’s run away somewhere. Anywhere.” (omo omo OMO)

Unlike the previous two teasers, this one leans more toward the tender looks and heartwrenching emotions surrounding our couple’s past doomed love. Lovelorn Ro-woon in Joseon garb is also giving Extraordinary You vibes which I’m completely here for. I can’t wait to see how it all plays out.

Written by Noh Ji-seol (100 Days My Prince) and directed by Nam Ki-hoon (Big Bet), Destined With You will premiere August 23 on JTBC.

Via Sports Donga



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