Seo In-gook faces punishment in Death’s Game


Seo In-gook faces punishment in Death’s Game

In case you’ve been curious about TVING original Death’s Game, another teaser is here to shed light on the doom awaiting our reincarnating hero Seo In-gook (Cafe Minamdang). After teasing us for weeks with mere glimpses of its stellar cast, the drama has finally revealed a little more of what’s in store.

Beleaguered by perennial unemployment and dwindling finances, Choi Yi-jae (Seo In-gook) can barely see a future ahead of him. As Yi-jae steps onto a building’s ledge, he narrates: “I wanted to die cleanly.” Then he’s falling, but instead of crashing onto the pavement below, he finds himself transported to the underworld. There, he comes face-to-face with a peeved Park So-dam (Record of Youth).

She’s Death, and she isn’t pleased that he’s throwing away his chance at life. To teach him a lesson, she decides to have him undergo a trial by fire — he’ll be given twelve more chances at life, but none of these incarnations have long to live. Yi-jae will be forced to suffer through death all twelve times, unless he manages to figure out a strategy to survive.

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As a sneak peek of what’s in store for Yi-jae, we see flashes of his impending deaths. Miles up high in the sky, passengers onboard a plane are flung out of a gaping hole in its hull. Of course, no dramaland death is complete without our trusty Truck of Doom, which shines its headlights on Kim Kang-hoon (Reborn Rich).

Elsewhere, Kim Jae-wook (Crazy Love) struggles against his bindings on a butcher’s table, as his captor brings a saw dangerously close to his legs. Apart from a deliberate act of waterboarding, we also see a series of accidents: an explosion, a skydiving mishap, a motorcycle crash, and an entire signboard dropping on someone’s head.

If these previews are anything to go by, Yi-jae’s in for a world of pain as he meets his demise through a variety of excruciating methods. Will his torment lead to remorse and repentance? There’s only one way to find out — Death pulls the trigger on an ornate gun, and Yi-jae’s ordeal begins.

Helmed by PD Ha Byung-hoon (18 Again, Go Back Spouses) on both the directing and scriptwriting fronts, the webtoon adaptation Death’s Game is slated for a December 15 premiere.

Via Sports DongA



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