Seo Kang-joon hunts for the truth in new promos for Disney+’s Grid


Seo Kang-joon hunts for the truth in new promos for Disney+’s Grid

There’s one more week until Disney+’s Grid premieres and we have another round of promos to ramp up more excitement.

In an alternate Earth where solar winds would have destroyed the planet 24 years ago, humankind now live under the protection of a grid barrier that scales across the upper atmosphere. The creator of the grid is known as “Ghost,” played by Lee Shi-young (Sweet Home).

She mysteriously disappeared after saving the Earth, but has now suddenly returned, and on her tail are government and police officials Seo Kang-joon (I’ll Find You on a Beautiful Day), Kim Ah-joong (Live Up to Your Name), and Kim Mu-yeol (Juvenile Justice). However, the only clue around her reappearance is that she’s teamed up with known murderer Kim Sung-kyun (D.P.).

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The teaser begins with a chase sequence and Lee Shi-young fighting back. An unknown man scoffs at her, “This is probably nothing to you because you can just disappear… like you did last time.” The scene then cuts to Seo Kang-joon and Kim Ah-joong investigating Ghost, and Kim asks, “What about the people who saw her disappearing?” Seo responds that Kim is the only one and Kim wonders, “If she was trying to rescue humankind, why did she attack me?” We flashback to when Lee Shi-young hit Kim Ah-joong with some kind of disc and strange scarring appears on Kim’s arm afterwards. Next, Seo briefs Kim on his plan: “All the information we know about her is stored on the 13th floor of that building, so just help me get inside.”

As the hunt for Ghost continues, intermittent text screens read: “A mysterious being who saved humankind returns as a murder!” Cutting his own arm, Seo Kang-joon explains, “I saw a world without the grid.” Meanwhile Jang So-yeon (The Game: Towards Zero) determines, “We have to see this through the end. This is the first opportunity in decades.” With Kim Mu-yeol joining the chase, we learn that, “[Ghost] is a being who can teleport. Rather than us finding her, we need to make her come for us.” The troops close in on Lee Shi-young and Kim warns, “We cannot fail again. If we do…”

The teaser then cuts to a woman screaming and forensics analyze the dead body. Kim Ah-joong scarily observes, “It’s starting again… the murders.” Desperately, Seo Kang-joon asks, “What do I do to change what’s happened?” while Kim Sung-kyun defends himself, “You don’t know what I went through to get to this point.” In frustration, Kim Ah-joong screams, “What kind of sh*t investigation is this?!” and the teaser jumps back to Seo Kang-joon as it comes to a close. Seo holds the strange disc in his hand and a man leers at him, “You think that you’ve become humankind’s savior? [You’re a] murderer.”

Written by Lee Soo-yeon (Forest of Secrets 1, 2) and directed collaboratively by Khan Lee (The Divine Move 2: The Wrathful) and Park Chul-hwan, Grid releases on February 16.

Via 10 Asia, KBS (1), (2), MK Sports


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