Starship Entertainment To “Ban” A Cosmic Girls Fan From All Future Events For Almost Hurting A Member


On April 14, 2020, while leaving the broadcasting studio after recording MBC‘s Idol Radio, Cosmic Girls (WJSN)‘s van became surrounded by fans trying to hand the members gifts.


In the process, one fan aggressively shoved a package over the window in the front passenger seat…


… where member SeolA was seated and looking out.

Starship Entertainment then announced on the official fan page that such a behavior is dangerous and unacceptable. According to the agency, the group already has a “no gifts in person” policy in place…

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Hello, this is Starship Entertainment. On April 14, 2020 after the MBC Idol Radio recording, some fans ran toward the moving van and tried to hand the members gifts. In this process, a member almost got hurt. It could have led to a bigger accident, all because the fans failed to follow the rules and behave in an orderly manner.

— Starship Entertainment

… and for violating it, as well as causing a potential risk of an accident for the members and other fans on site, the particular fan will be “banned from attending all future events” by Cosmic Girls.

In response, we are going to ban the fan who broke the ‘no gifts in person‘ policy and risked the well being of the member from all future Cosmic Girls’ official schedules. In addition, we ask the fans to please be mindful of themselves and avoid engaging in such dangerous behaviors. Thank you for supporting Cosmic Girls.

— Starship Entertainment

K-Pop fans agreed with the agency on its decision to take extreme measure and commented that the fan’s behavior doesn’t seem to be in the best interest of the members, as stanning should be.

  • “I get the urgency and all… but people are going to get hurt.”
  • “Wow, crazy b*tches. I can’t believe they’re so bent on giving the gift that they don’t see how dangerous the whole thing could have been. What if she got hit in the eye or something? And to try and take pictures of what happened? LMAO, please. I doubt she’s a real fan. She’s only in love with herself being in love with an idol group.”
  • “That could have hit her in the eye and gone so wrong. She’s insane.”
  • “It is dangerous enough that she got so close to a vehicle that is in motion. But it would have been the driver’s fault had she hurt herself…”
  • “She’s way out of line.”
  • “Look how viciously they run up to the car… It only makes sense that idols keep their windows up when they’re on the go.”
  • “Why does she then proceed to take pictures of what she did…? LMAO. She’s insane!”

Source: Koreaboo

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