Jasper Liu

TWOgether is A Fangirl Fantasy

Roles are reversed in “Twogether”.  In an ordinary setting, fans would work hard to go…

Podcast #104: Fangirling over Twogether

Jasper Liu and Lee Seung Gi go on the ultimate bromance tour of Asia in…

Lee Seung gi Marriage Talks In TWOgether

Lee Seung-gi wants to get married before he turns 40. This is what the triple…

TWOgether Lee Seung-gi And Jasper Liu Don Matching Jammies

Bromance is in the air as Lee Seung gi and Jasper Liu promote their newest…

Trailer for Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu’s ‘Twogether’ dropped

Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu teamed up in “Twogether”. It’s the unlikeliest tandem ever. Yet,…

Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu are traveling ‘Twogether’

The tandem of Lee Seung-gi and Netflix began last year. And it does not seem…