On May 14, 2018, INFINITE‘s Sunggyu enlisted into the military. The idol will be discharged tomorrow, January 8, 2020, after 604 days of working active duty.
It seems that although fans are excited to have him back, the military can’t bear to let him go! In fact, they love him so much, they made a special blog recap for Sunggyu, looking back at his time as a soldier. They even tagged themselves as the #MMAFansiteMaster in their tweet!
https://twitter.com/mma9090/status/1214448661146419200?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw” data-wpel-link=”external” target=”_blank” rel=”external noopener noreferrer
The recap contains highlights of his time in the 22nd division and as a campaign ambassador for the Military Manpower Administration. One of the highlights shown was when he had to take his physical screening test on February 22, 2019. The idol is seen getting his blood drawn and covering his eyes, turning his head away from the needle. The military must have found Sunggyu as adorable as Inspirit does, posting high-quality photos of the idol’s test.
Another moment that the military captured was when he was speaking for the Military Manpower Administration as the campaign ambassador last February 22, 2019. Look how mature he looks as he gives his speech!
They made sure to get all his good angles on April 17, 2019, as they had their mini photo shoot. Check out his various poses!
The last milestone they commemorated was the 16th Military Service Awards Ceremony, held on May 23, 2019. He can be seen with fellow idol 2AM’s Jo Kwon, smiling at the camera and speaking during the ceremony. One thing is for sure: he surely has grown during his time in the military.
This isn’t the first time the military showed some love for Sunggyu. During his birthday last year (April 28, 2019), they posted a video on their official YouTube channel along with a ‘happy birthday’ hashtag for him! Check it out here:
The military will surely miss him, but fans can’t wait to have him back! See you soon, Sunggyu!
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