The witnesses finally surfaced in ‘Black Out’ (EP11)

Black Out kdrama - Episode 11 Recap and Spoilers.Black Out kdrama - Episode 11 Recap and Spoilers.

Black Out kdrama - Episode 11 Recap and Spoilers.


Black Out kdrama – Episode 11 Recap and Spoilers.

In the latest episode of MBC’s Black Out, which aired on September 21, Hyun Goo-tak (Kwon Hae-hyo) began to grasp the magnitude of the situation he’s facing, but it was already too late.

Noh Sang-chul (Go Joon) reassured Go Jeong-woo (Go Jeong-woo) about managing his superiors’ interference and later approached Hyun Goo-tak alongside Kim Hee-do (Jang Won-young). Noh reported to Hyun that Yang Byung-moo (Lee Tae-goo) and Shin Min-soo (Lee Woo-jae) were more likely to have committed the murder than Go Jeong-woo, suggesting their fathers might have aided them. Hyun Goo-tak urged Noh to report to him immediately anything he uncovers.

Go Jeong-woo confronted Yang Byung-moo, who dismissed any responsibility, saying, “She fell down on her own and died.” When Go accused him of sexual assault against Bo-young, Yang retorted, “We already planned to get married.” Go Jeong-woo, infuriated, declared, “You have no guilt. You just blame me!”

Meanwhile, Lee Jae-hee (Park Mi-hyun) was caught with divorce papers by Shim Dong-min (Jo Jae-yoon). When he questioned her timing, she expressed hope for Bo-young’s return but ultimately packed her bags and left him. She later informed Hyun Goo-tak of her departure and disclosed that Shim had a shotgun.

Noh Sang-chul received news from the National Forensic Service suggesting that the shovel found was likely the murder weapon. On his way back to the station, he encountered Ha-seol (Kim Bo-ra) and Go Jeong-woo, who were seeking a witness from an 11-year-old traffic accident.

A witness claimed Kim Hee-do threatened him. When Kim confronted Go Jeong-woo, Noh intervened, advising him to reconsider his principles. The witness later clarified that two middle-aged men were involved in the incident, not Go Jeong-woo. This was something he had informed 11 years ago, but was disregarded.

As they shared drinks, Noh Sang-chul recounted a tragic wedding incident. His hatred for criminals intensified as he reminisced about the pain caused by that particular case. This was the reason for him moving from Seoul to Mucheon.

Hyun Goo-tak visited Yang Heung-soo (Cha Soon-bae), urging him to turn himself in since the shovels found in the car’s trunk was linked to the case. Yang insisted Bo-young had been alive when he opened the trunk and began revealing details about the incident.

In a shocking turn, Park Hyung-sik (Gong Jung-hwan) discovered new information while visiting Hyun Su-oh (Lee Ga-seop) in the hospital. Hyun Su-oh had been drawing scenes from the crime and claimed to have witnessed the crime, labeling Park a murderer.

Meanwhile, Congresswoman Ye Yeong-sil (Bae Jong-ok) discovered that it was Choi Na-gyeom (Go Bo-gyeol) who had been harassing her husband with messages and the ring. Apparently Choi had witnessed Doctor Park’s crime and in exchange for being quiet she wanted Go Jeong-woo.

The tension escalated when Shim Dong-min entered the closed restaurant with the shotgun, confronting Shin Chu-ho and blaming him for Bo-young’s death. In a desperate moment, Go Jeong-woo intervened, but the confrontation led to violence, culminating in Shim shooting Shin.

MBC’s Black Out is a gripping reverse-tracking crime thriller that reinterprets Nele Neuhaus’s novel with a Korean flair. The drama follows Go Jeong-woo (Byun Yo-han), who becomes a murderer overnight, as he seeks the truth of a mysterious murder case that has haunted him for a decade. The show airs every Friday and Saturday at 9:50 PM. It can be viewed through Hulu for international audience.

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