Top 5 Kpop MVs: Zombie Gives Me Life!


We’ve got violins and k-tigers and ballads and a Day6 comeback this week, k-fans! Come check out what I found to share with you, including a smokin’ bonus track from Hospital Playlist!

I know, I know . . . I need to clean up my New Kpop to Spin list. You can come follow it anyway — check out the BabyMetal I added to it!

Day6 – “Zombie”

Oh man, this song hits a little too close to home if you struggle with depression. But there’s an underlying tone of hope, and honestly, the MV is hilarious with the subtle zombie trying to make his way through daily life. It’s a cathartic experience, and I am SO GLAD this song exists! Also, you have to check out Day6’s new album — the whole thing is FANTASTIC.

NU’EST – “I’m in Trouble”

NU’EST has matured as a group, and I’m loving where their sound is headed. The deeper, more complex beats, the classy wardrobes, the slick styling — this MV really shows their maturity off well.

Raiden x Chanyeol – “Yours”

I’m not sure SM could have pushed this MV across my Facebook feed harder if they tried — it was EVERYWHERE. But, you know, it’s Chanyeol! I don’t blame them. “Yours” is a solid ballad, with a sweet vocal overly by LeeHi. And Raiden, Chanyeol, and Changmo’s harmonies are an absolute delight for the ears.

LUCY – “Flowering”

As Hoppipolla demonstrated, if there’s an unusual stringed instrument included in a band, I am ALL EARS. LUCY features a violin, and the orchestral backing to this song gives it added depth that I just love.

Baek Z Young and Ong Seong Wu – “Didn’t Say Anything”

I am HERE for anything Ong Seong Wu sings. “Gravity” and “Guess Who” are still in heavy rotation on my playlist. His gorgeous voice pairs well with Baek Z Young’s in the soulful ballad.

BONUS TRACK: More K-Tigers!

Ok, so this really isn’t an MV. It’s the K-Tigers demonstrating their taekwondo skills to the hosts of Immortal Songs 2 and the hosts’ reactions are PRICELESS. Also, I love how we have the two K-Tigers stacked up to hold the boards at impressive heights. They act like it’s no big deal, and they’re totally styled like idols, and for some reason the dichotomy made me laugh. Enjoy! (P.S. Return of Superman fans – Spot JamJam’s dad in the blue jacket!)

BONUS TRACK 2: Hospital Playlist – “Met You By Chance”

I’ve been LOVING Hospital Playlist — it’s the gentle slice-of-life drama that I needed right now. Best of all is the OST — this song from episode 9 is a great example of their versatility and vibe. I love that this time they have an audience! There are no spoilers in the clip — just a few scenes from the episode.

Do you ever have days where you’re just REALLY grateful for music, k-fans? Me too. Drop down in the comments and let me know what you’re enjoying this week!

Until the next record spins, I remain —

Karie the Maknae

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