Top 5 Recap: Hospital Playlist Episode 4


Okay, so Dr. Yang is a HUGE Momma’s Boy, right? Almost so much that I was a bit worried about it. This week we learn exactly what brought this sweet doctor to worry and care so much about his mom, and we realize it’s not as unhealthy as you might think. We also see that all of these doctors have a reason they are just so amazing, that theirs is the only hospital I’d want to end up in dramaland.

Darth Vader Daddy’s Sister

Who knew that Darth Vader Daddy had a sister and that they would be so adorkable together? We are introduced to Ik Soon after she ends up in the hospital. The two siblings are bantering back and forth while Joon Wan ends up being the butt of their jokes. We also learn that she will be staying at Joon Wan’s so their mother doesn’t find out that she was in the hospital.

Kmuse: Obviously something is going on between our Marshmallow Doc and his friend’s sister since at the end of the episode Joon Wan meets Ik Soon at her barracks to take her out to dinner.

Telzeytalks: I noticed that Joon Wan visited Ik Soon a lot in the hospital! They got a little time jump in there; she was injured last episode and now she is almost ready to go home. We can see she’s like her brother, with her wacky little bird finger-plays and rapping skills.

Drama Geek: It was fun to see these siblings together, and I was exited when Marshmallow Doc showed up to take her out to dinner.

Gossip Makes the Hospital go Round

Resident Jang is all work unless there is a chance that she can get the hot dish on her true love. Enter the lunch gossip group who adores talking about all things fantastic five. They go through each of our besties and save Daddy Long Legs for last. We learn that he puts the needs of others above worldly gain. Something we/and she already knew. The boy exudes good deeds.

Telzeytalks: Gossip Doc is our exposition fairy. He tells us that Marshmallow Doc is a jerk but is the best surgeon. He says that Dr. Yang lacks social skills, but we pretty soon find out that isn’t quite true.

Drama Geek: I love these lunches and I think it’s funny that our group is treated a bit like celebrities at the hospital. Especially when they cut to them in the basement practicing for their band and our favorite doctor is singing out of tune. I love that she totally tricked them into letting her join their group.

Kmuse: If there was that many gorgeous, talented, besties where i worked I would look upon them as celebrities as well. So much pretty.

More to Dr Yang than Meets the Eye

It seems that each week we are focusing a bit closer on one of the doc besties and this week we are introduced to Dr. Yang. The friend who is shy, loves comedy tv, and thinks of others above all else. He manages to avoid as much contact with the world as possible unless it is because of his work. The exception being his besties and beloved mother.

KMuse: Dr. Yang is in charge of a tragic birthing. The baby has issues that will result in its immediate death after birth. Through it all we see Dr. Yang go above and beyond in making sure the poor mother will have as little emotional pain as possible. He truly is a wonderful man/doctor.

Telzeytalks: I thought he was going a little overboard to carry his mom piggyback on the stairs at the shrine, but then we discovered why he is so protective of her. She’s had a stroke, her daughter died, and her husband had an affair. He’s had to watch her crying alone in the rain. He really does understand people’s pain.

Drama Geek: Quirky Amazing people. That is this writing duos forte. Also, characters you can relate to. The delivered Dr. Yang’s backstory is such a wonderful way. His love for his mom was played as a joke until the episode and then we see why he’s so worried about her, and it reveals a new side to him. I was totally in tears when they did the birth scene for the baby who wouldn’t survive. He thought of every last thing he could do to make this easier for her. I was total goo.

Politician Shim

A local politician is taking up all four of the VIP suites anticipating a liver transplant. We learn that he is a super sketchy type of politician as rumors of him raping someone are well documented. His son, who is donating the liver, has a room all to himself and a private nurse to see to his needs. Darth Vader Daddy finds this a bit suspicious since he had previously been friends with the son back when he was in the club circuit. Back then he was a person who was selfish and drunk heavily so what could have changed? Before the surgery, we discover both the son and an unknown man are in the 2nd room. We will have to wait until next week to discover what is going on.

Telzeytalks: They set us up to not like politician Shim when Dr. Yang reads about the scandal. Then Darth Vader Daddy becomes super suspicious because the wife stays with her husband and doesn’t seem to care about her son. Yay for him for calling in security as backup when he barges into the son’s room!

Drama Geek: It was an interesting situation for our docs because Daddy Long Legs obviously knows this guy sucks, and he’s fine with taking his money and using it to help those the politician should be helping. I guess it’s one way to use your VIP wing. LOL I also find it interesting that Darth Vader Daddy was friends with the son.

Kmuse: It seems that Darth Vader Daddy has a wild party backstory. Looks like fatherhood really helped him settle down.


We are going to end this week on a fun note as we witness Song Hwa go full dance mode during her church’s choral performance. She interpretative dances and sings the heck out of the song as our resident twins watch in awe.

Telzeytalks: We didn’t see much of the twins this week, but they have talked to Song Hwa before about her singing in church, and it’s fun to see their reaction. I also enjoyed the gang playing a jazzed up version of Pachelbel’s Canon. They did a good job on that.

Drama Geek: This scene is one of the reasons Song Hwa remains my favorite. She’s a enormous dork, and also a highly skills surgeon who’s compassionate, and totally just turned church into a night at the noraebang. LOL.

Kmuse: She is also one of my favorite characters. So quirky.

Until the Next Band Rehearsal,

The Fangirls

Dramas With a Side of Kimchi

drama with a side of kimchi

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