Trailer for Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu’s ‘Twogether’ dropped


Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu teamed up in “Twogether”. It’s the unlikeliest tandem ever.

Yet, we’re excited to watch how the two will travel together in different parts of Asia in search of their fans.  The fans were chosen through the online application they sent to Sang Sang Company last year.

Seung-gi is a South Korean triple threat entertainer while Jasper is a Taiwanese actor and model. How would the two communicate with each other to go to their fans’ houses?  Apparently, in Korean, Mandarin, English and a lot of finger pointing.  

It’s also worth mentioning that Seung-gi calls Jasper by his birth name “Yi-how”.  

The trailer gives us plenty of clues to go with.  First, they have a map to find their fans.  They also have to go on foot to get there.  While they were at it, they had to do a series of activities for the show.


The two went to nine tourist hotspots namely Goa Jomblang, Prambanan Temple, Goa Kalisuci,  Alun-alun, Nusa Dua, Damnoen Saduak, Rambuttri, Grand Canyon and Pokhara.  These locations can be found in three countries.  They are Indonesia, Thailand and Nepal.  

Some lucky fans spotted the two in those places.  They were even able to take pictures with them. Read about those fan spotting in the article Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu are traveling ‘Twogether here.

They did so many things in these places. The two drove on rough roads, fished with harpoons, did yoga, paraglided, swam, spelunked, played sepak takraw, threw axes, ate spicy food and screamed. They also sang and shed some tears.

One frame shows the two performing live to a small audience.  Another cut shows Seung-gi singing his debut song, “Because You’re My Woman” to an elderly fan.  

Seung-gi performs for elderly fan. Photos are screenshots from the trailer of the show.

This is seeing the world through the eyes of two celebrities.   And we like the it.

Twogether” is a Netflix Original series. It starts streaming on June 26.  

Watch the full trailer here:


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