TWOgether is A Fangirl Fantasy


Roles are reversed in “Twogether”.  In an ordinary setting, fans would work hard to go out and meet their idols.  This show is not about that.  It’s about Lee Seung gi and Jasper Liu working together to complete missions and earn the reward of meeting their fans.

We repeat.  The reward of Seung-gi and Jasper for their accomplished mission is meeting their fans.   In their homes.  This is not a fantasy concocted in the fans’ heads.  This is them winning the fan lottery.

That’s why we list down our favorite moments when Seung-gi and Jasper made fan dreams come true in “Twogether.”

When the two ring the doorbells of their fans’ homes

Imagine hearing someone knock on your door and finding Lee Seung gi and Jasper Liu there.

Getting a special autograph

Forget about the long lines and 15-second interactions.  The two will sign your items for you in your own home.

They’ll tell you “I love you” in your language

One of the first questions they ask from their fans is what do they want to hear from them.  If a fan gets too shy to answer, they’ll automatically ask how to say “I love you” in their language.  Hashtag #kilig.

Skinskip to the next level

Good fans know that they need to respect their star’s space.  That’s why it’s always a treat when they allow you to hug them.  This is what the lucky fans got. Seung-gi and Jasper offered to hug them.

Fans were able to hand their gifts personally

Normally, when you want to give a gift to your star, it goes through several hands before it reaches them.  That’s why handing them something you made with your hand is so special.

Receiving a gift from them

Giving them a gift is one thing, receiving something from them is another.  Jasper Liu giving his fan something he made takes it to the next level.

Spending quality time with your star

The two don’t pop in and then bid them goodbye. They actually make time to get to know the fans and spend quality time with them.

A meal cooked by Seung-gi

Airens (Seung-gi’s fandom) know that Lee Seung gi takes pride in his cooking.  In his fanmeet in Manila last year, he even made gimbap for his fans.

Your bias serenading you

Seung-gi has been singing “Because You’re my Woman” since debut.  He has serenaded actresses in “2 Days and 1 night” with it.  Then imagine what it would be like when he sings that song for you.  And only you? Heaven!


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