Welcome to the concrete jungle of Numbers


Welcome to the concrete jungle of Numbers

The promos for MBC’s Numbers: Watchdogs in a Concrete Jungle keep on coming, and the latest drop of character posters highlights the five faces that will lead the show. While the individual posters are simple in nature with each introducing a major player, there are little hints throughout that suggest future allegiances amongst our accountants and their driving motivations.

Set in prestigious Taeil accounting firm, the drama will follow high school graduate Jang Ho-woo played by L (Secret Royal Investigator) as he survives in his new environment and uncovers a murder-mystery. His poster states, “I will become the core of Taeil accounting firm,” and in the back, a banner has the words “wild card.”

Playing Ho-woo’s senior manager is Choi Jin-hyuk (Zombie Detective) as Han Seung-jo. The embodiment of perfection, Seung-jo is an accomplished accountant from a well-off family, but his poster implies that he carries a burden when it comes to his father. His banner says “unforgiven” in the back, and his tagline reads, “I will not be under nor entangled in my father’s shadow.”

We also get our first look at the ladies in the show with Yeonwoo (Golden Spoon) playing senior associate Jin Yeon-ah. She will be in charge of Ho-woo’s initial training, and is described as a lovely accountant who may be afraid of numbers but has yet to become afraid of the world. Her tagline reads, “If you don’t have self-esteem, it will be hard to survive here,” and her banner has the words “self love.”

Contrasting with the others in a bold red suit is Kim Yoo-ri (18 Again) as Jang Ji-soo, the manager of a Hong Kong private equity fund as well as Seung-jo’s ex-lover. Her relationship with Seung-jo remains a mystery, but from her tagline (“The Jang Ji-soo from back then no longer exists”), it’s probably safe to say that they are not on good terms. Her banner has the word “sword” on it, and on her lapel is a sword brooch. Will she be an ally or an enemy to our hero? We’ll have to wait and see.

Last but certainly not least is Taeil’s vice president Han Jae-kyun, played by Choi Min-soo (Extracurricular). His poster reflects more closely to Ho-woo’s, depicting a head shot of his character, but unlike the others, his is the only one in black and white. His banners say “noblesse oblige,” reflecting his life motto, and his tagline states, “Welcome to Taeil accounting firm.” Though the words are friendly, coupled with Choi Min-soo’s expression, I get the impression that Vice President Han is hiding something up his sleeve.

Directed by Kim Chil-bong (The Second Husband) and written by Jung Ahn and Oh Hye-seok, Numbers will premiere on June 23 in MBC’s Friday-Saturday slot.




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