Fragile (프래자일)
Synopsis: The series candidly portrays the real-life worries and daily experiences of “fragile” teenagers. It delves into the taboos they encounter in their final teenage years before transitioning into adulthood, highlighting themes such as tumultuous romantic relationships with friends of the opposite sex and the risky escapades they engage in while evading adult scrutiny.
Genre: Youth, Romance, Drama
Also Known As: Peuraejail
Episodes: 8
Premiere Date: September 9, 2024
Schedule: Monday
Where can I watch ‘Fragile’? U+ Mobile TV, KOCOWA | Protip: VPN if not available in your country
Where can I watch ‘Fragile’ for free? Try Terabox App
ONGOING: EP01 | EP02 | EP03 | EP04 | EP05 | EP06 | EP07 | EP08
Latest (Episode 5)
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