Gangnam B-Side (강남 비-사이드)
Synopsis: In a city where bustling days give way to nights glittering under a canopy of lights, a series of mysterious disappearances unfolds in the heart of Gangnam. Jae Hui (aka Jenny), an employee at a high-end entertainment venue with crucial evidence, vanishes without a trace. Yoon Gil Ho, a fixer with deep ties to the district, embarks on a search for her—only to discover he is not the only one hunting for Jae Hui.
Detective Kang Dong Woo, demoted after exposing corruption within his own department, is assigned to the case at the request of his chief. Meanwhile, prosecutor Min Seo Jin, a rising star favored by the chief prosecutor, follows the investigation with her own agenda. As powerful figures in the club scene pull strings to find Jae Hui, the tangled web of disappearances and hidden desires begins to reveal the dark underbelly of Gangnam.
Genre: Action, Thriller, Mystery, Crime
Also Known As: Bulk , Gangnam Bi-Saideu , Beolkeu , 벌크 , 강남비사이드
Episodes: 8
Premiere Date: November 6, 2024
Schedule: Wednesday (2 episodes per week)
Where can I watch ‘Gangnam B-Side’? Disney+
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Episode 7 (English Subbed)
Episode 8 (English Subbed)