BUSINESS PROPOSAL ended with high numbers but actually slightly down from the penultimate week- the final episodes were in fact les funny and flatter- and had departed from the spirit of the webtoon and even its core concepts to some extent, a lesson that I hope was not lost on K-drama executives. I do think that BP was a real step forward for Korean drama- providing an example of how to do rom-com right even if it did not stick the landing- and even that failure is a cautionary tale in itself: Stay true to your core concepts to the end as a lesson to be learned. In its last episodes BP did not do that and the audience, to some extent, fell off.
OUR BLUES seems interesting. It has a good cast and that showed. I too have been looking forward to it and apparently, I was not alone.
The new weekender IT’S BEAUTIFUL NOW is starting well- after the first four episodes it has found its footing. So far it is good and I find its main characters engaging.
The sageuk tragedy KING OF TEARS has fully regained its audience. The writer is Lee Jung-woo who apparently has no previous writing credits. That is likely to change in the future- this show is ery well written. The actors are doing a very good job as well but that is easier when you have a good script.