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Kwon Hyun-bin and Song Ji-woo’s Love Andante story

Kwon Hyun-bin and Song Ji-woo’s Love Andante story

Setting the wheels into motion for our co-habitation rom-com across the North-South boundary in a fictional Korea, a new teaser has dropped for Lifetime’s upcoming Love Andante, bringing Kwon Hyun-bin (Pandora: Beneath the Paradise) and Song Ji-woo (Dreaming of a Freaking Fairytale) together under one roof.

Billed as a fantasy, the drama imagines a new initiative between North and South Korea, taking steps towards reunification by building a joint community – aptly named Peace Village – where both northerners and southerners can reside.

This is where our teaser begins and we congratulate the (fictionally) historical moment as Peace Village is officially unveiled. We can imagine the scale of importance in such an event and the diligence required to ensure smooth sailing. In dramaland, though, this means shenanigans because our story’s Smart AI system has made an error.

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You see, Seoul’s number one pianist Im Joo-hyung (Kwon Hyun-bin) was registered to live in Peace Village. But it seems the same home was also assigned to Pyungyang’s Ha Na-kyung (Song Ji-woo), a representative of North Korea with a doctorate of pharmacy and the only daughter to their head of national security. After a startling meet-scare for our main pair, Peace Village’s organizers are so very sorry to inform them that there are no other vacancies left.

Thus begins their reluctant co-living, clashing on matters from food to culture. For now, I’ll give Joo-hyung the benefit of the doubt and assume that a misreading of the latter in regards to romance and green lights is what earns him the slap. As the sequence continues, we are assured that feelings are growing for both of our leads and the teaser closes on our hero’s voiceover, narrating the start of their Fairy and Woodcutter romance (a Korean folktale) in Peace Village.

Directed by PD Yoon Ryu-hae with scripts by Kim Yeon-ah, Lifetime’s debut drama Love Andante is premiering this week on August 7 and will be releasing internationally on Kocowa in select regions.

Via News1, Sports Kyunghyang




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