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Look back: 2019 Debuts

Learn about the various new groups that have won the hearts of all the Kpoppers!

It’s the year 2019, brought the hymns, neat and clean, the people know it, but you’ve been following their debuts this year. Isn’T it? Safe, right here in my hand now I’m going to list the 10 most debuts the most ICONIC of the year!!! ♡


And the new girlgroup of JYP Entertainment, the evil in the streets, and you have entered into our hearts. The band is comprised of Yeji, Reading, Ryujin, Chaeryeong , and during the battle. They had their debut at the day of 11 February, the music of Ethiopia Ethiopia. The group also performed their first comeback this year with the song, ICY. Queens, too, isn’t he? I can’t hear you I’m already dancing to it in the house lol.


This year, we also had to finally debut a girlgroup from FNC Entertainment, which held on Thursday, the 21st of January! The group is currently formed by 7 members: Haeyoon, Yuju, Although, Jiwon, Redeemed you, Chaerin , and May. The first year I started out excited with a Q&a on Themusic of the rock! The first winner was the song “Really” Really. I don’t know about you, but I am within the fandom!

Unfortunately, on the last Friday (13 December) it was announced that the members Kokoro, Linlin and the Person got out of the group.


Bon Bon Chocolat and go up to the sky! Who is there to listen to all the songs on the Everglow? The group is made up of E:U, Sihyeon, Mia, Wave, At , and Yiren. Their debut was officially the day of the 18th of march, with the song of Bon Bon’s Chocolate. The first winner was the song, Adios, and those who have never left flapping hair, the sound of this song, isn’t it?


The first girlgroup of the MNH Or in the same company, Chunga, you are among us. The BVNDIT (Bandit / Be Ambitious (N Of Sf) had his debut at the day of 10th of April, with the song Hocus Pocus. It is formed by the Yiyeon, Songhee, Jungwoo, Simyeong , and Seungeun. They have also held two comebacks: Dramatic and Dumb. Already, they are my darlings and I love all the songs! He also is not to listen to them.


More of a girlgroup from Woolim Entertainment! The Rocket-Punch – is made up of the members of the Jury, Yeonhee, Suyun, Yunkyoung, Sohee , and Dahyun. Their debut was officially the day of 7 August, with the title track, Bim Bam Bum. Think of a music game, and all in all excellent. Bad to hear, and you already got it in my playlist of favorites of the year.


The darlings of 2019 at the latest among the K-poppers! Tomorrow’s X’s Together (or a TXT to-pdf) is the new boygroup of the BigHit Entertainment, and has already come up with it all! The group is made up of the members Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu, Taehyun , and Huening for Kai. They performed their debut on the 4th of march with the music of the CROWN. And they have already had their first comeback with a 9-and-Three-Quarters (Run Away) , and the various Vms such as the Cat & the Dog, the Magic Island , and The Nap of the Star! Doesn’t have how can you resist these kids ‘ amazing and exciting, isn’t it?


2019 has already started out amazing, with ONEUS! The group is made up of Ravn, Seoho, Leedo, Keonhee, Hwanwoong , and Xion’s keyblades, and made his debut on the day of the 9th of January , with the music of the Valkyrie. Also, they have had two comebacks: the Twilight and Lit! Don’t even need to mention that I also have I jumped into the fandom, isn’t he? Lol


On the day of the 9th of January also saw the debut of the official VERIVERY! The group is made up of the members Dongheon, Hoyoung, Minchan, Gyehyeon, Yeonho, Yongseung , and Kangmin. His music is of the rock was in the Ring, the Ring, the Ring , and it’s super addictive! It also made two comebacks this year , From, Now , and Tag-Tag-Tag. I’m in love too for all these xuxus!


Think of an amazing group! The company AB6IX it has been expected by fans since the fall of 2017. The group is made up of Youngmin and Donghyun (MXM), Woojin , and Daehwi (Have One), and Woong, the new member of the team. Their debut was officially held on Thursday, may 22, with the music to Breathe, and it’s already had its first winner with a Blind For Love! I’m so glad that my kids are finally together ♡


The CIX (Fill in the X’s) have arrived, shaking our hearts with so much talent and beauty! The group is made up of the same TYPE and rating, Seunghun, Yonghee, Jinyoung , and Hyunsuk, and it will debut officially on the day of the 23rd of July, the music, the Movie Star. The boys can hardly debutaram, and they have already had their debut in the japanese-with – My-New-World. Most recently, the group held their first comeback to Korean with the to Numb. It is a talent that you don’t end up any more!

So, what was the artist’s favorite from this past year? Tell us here!

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What is your artist’s favorite for 2019?

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Text and images by Guigo @ the editorial Team of the K4US

www.k4us.com.br please do not use the text and pictures, no credit.


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