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Premiere Watch: Gyeongseong Creature

10 December 21, 2023December 21, 2023

Premiere Watch: Gyeongseong Creature

Time slot: Friday (Part 1: 12/22; Part 2: 1/5/2024)
Broadcaster: Netflix
Genre: Action, historical, thriller, romance
Episode count: 10 (Part 1: 7 episodes; Part 2: 3 episodes)

Reasons to watch: Its buzz precedes it, and I think the only proper response here is *please be good*! Park Seo-joon and Han So-hee star in this historical action thriller that takes WWII-era infamy and ups the ante with a monstrous hospital that must be investigated. As is with all Netflix series, the production looks top-notch, with gorgeous costuming, art direction, a wonderful ensemble cast, and a dark and suspenseful premise. While watching Park Seo-joon and Han So-hee fight evil (and maybe fall in love while so doing) is probably enough to draw a gigantic crowd, one also hopes that the script is compelling, and the direction can carry this whole thing from mere action romp to genuinely well-crafted drama. We’ll find out tomorrow when Part 1 drops.

TL;DR: Park Seo-joon x Han So-hee are finally here to kick evil’s butt




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