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Premiere Watch: High School Return of a Gangster

3 May 27, 2024May 27, 2024

Premiere Watch: High School Return of a Gangster

Time slot: Wednesdays
Broadcaster: Wavve
Genre: Fantasy, youth, human
Episode count: 8
Global streamer: TBA

Reasons to watch: There are many things that dramaland loves, and this drama brings together two of them: bullied high schoolers and body-swap hijinks. In a special guest appearance, Lee Seo-jin plays a hardcore gangster who winds up inhabiting the body of a bullied teen (Yoon Chan-young). Needless to say, his body’s new inhabitant isn’t going to take any funny business from a bunch of high schoolers, and it’s all revenge and fights and school hierarchies from there.

TL;DR: Gangster (Lee Seo-jin) lands in body of bullied teen (Yoon Chan-young)




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