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Premiere Watch: Love All Play

Premiere Watch: Love All Play

Time slot: Wednesday-Thursday
Broadcaster: KBS
Genre: Spots, romance, drama
Episode count: 16

Let it not be said we haven’t been getting a goodly dose of cute youth dramas of late! Our mid-week drama premiere is bringing badminton back — again — and it looks like Love All Play could be a sweet little drama that just might turn into a sleeper hit. The stars — Chae Jong-hyeop and Park Joo-hyun — are up-and-comers who are recognizable enough, but also fresh enough to seem new (and/or risky, depending on how you look at it). To me, it’s the perfect choice for a youthful sports drama to feature starry-eyed newbies, and I’m looking forward to any and all magic that this drama can pack onto the badminton court, into the locker room, and anywhere in between. The PD’s previous drama was the darkish legal drama Justice, while the screenwriter previously brought us two dramas that I unabashedly enjoyed (Tomorrow With You and Full Sun) — in other words, I’m at the ready.




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