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Premiere Watch: Shooting Stars, Showtime Begins!

Premiere Watch: Shooting Stars, Showtime Begins!

You might have thought the weekend schedule was already full of enough shows vying for attention, but this weekend we have two more added to the fray. Both dramas seem a bit more light than some of the more serious fare we have going on in this drama cycle, so it’ll be interesting to see how these new shows disrupt things.

Shooting Stars

Time slot: Friday-Saturday
Broadcaster: tvN
Genre: Comedy, drama, romance
Episode count: 16

Reasons to watch: Not only is this drama’s setup something I’ve been wanting for a long time (celeb falls for the girl-behind-the-scenes that’s assigned to him), but I have a hunch the casting will be great. Lee Sung-kyung is always fun, and here she plays a PR person who’s always got a mess to clean up thanks to the high-drama celeb played by Kim Young-dae. Kim shot to fame after Penthouse, and though it seems fast for a leading role, I don’t think this is a mistake — the character seems perfect for a newbie actor who can bring some swagger, hilarity, and hyperbole to the role. In short, I can’t wait to see this one.

Showtime Begins!

Time slot: Saturday-Sunday
Broadcaster: MBC
Genre: Comedy, fantasy, mystery, romance
Episode count: 16

Reasons to watch: Though the spotlight is surely on Park Hae-jin and his next drama choice, it’s Jin Ki-joo I’m most excited for. She stole my heart in Come Here and Hug Me — and then in The Secret Life of My Secretary — so I’m looking forward to seeing her here. Magicians seem to be the next big theme for dramas, because not long after Showtime Begins! premieres, we have The Sound of Magic too. It will not only make for an interesting comparison, but also makes me wonder… how many more magicians will we see before the year is out? It could be like the drama year of multiple personalities all over again!




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