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Premiere Watch: Tell Me That You Love Me

Premiere Watch: Tell Me That You Love Me

Time slot: Monday-Tuesday
Broadcaster: ENA
Genre: Melo, romance, human
Episode count: 16

Reasons to watch: Though Tell Me That You Love Me has lacked a lot of global marketing due to some heavy, ill-conceived geo-blocking, the hints that we have seen are lovely indeed. In the drama, Jung Woo-sung (in his return to dramaland) is a hearing impaired artist who meets aspiring actress Shin Hyun-bin. It will likely be a moving love story, and with PD Kim Yoon-jin of Our Beloved Summer directing, I can’t help but think it’s a perfect fit. (If you watched Our Beloved Summer and remember that evocative gallery sequence that was captured in black and white, I’m gunning for more of that style here to tell our story.)

TL;DR: This drama looks like a lovely breath of air in what has been a rather chaotic drama cycle of marriage contracts, revenge, water rescues, rebirths, and re-dos.




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