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Signal will be reconnecting with a second season

Signal will be reconnecting with a second season

Good things come to those who wait, because nearly a decade after the beloved first season of Signal, writer Kim Eun-hee has finally confirmed that a sequel is in the works. This exciting piece of news comes almost exactly eight years after Signal successfully wrapped up its run, with a finale episode that broke tvN’s records and recorded the highest-ever viewership up till then.

It’s been a long time coming for loyal fans of the crime thriller-fantasy, which captivated viewers with its compelling plot and cemented its place in pop culture with its iconic time-warp walkie-talkies. “As long as one doesn’t give up, there’s hope,” was the wise adage the show left us with, and these words have now come full circle. Having left off on a cliffhanger, Signal has plenty of avenues through which it could continue its tale. Perhaps it’d like to retrace the steps that led to its nail-biting conclusion, filling in the gaps that left us on the edge of our seats with suspense. Or perhaps it might branch off with an entirely new mystery, throwing unforeseen curveballs at our heroes as they race against time once again. Either way, I’m looking forward to rekindling the magical nostalgia of this beloved series.

Nothing concrete has been confirmed yet with regards to casting, which is understandable given that it was one of the core reasons for the prolonged delay. It’s no small feat to regroup a cast of powerhouse actors like Jo Jin-woong, Kim Hye-soo, and Lee Je-hoon, and their schedules have only gotten busier in the years since. With the renowned acclaim backing the Signal title, it wouldn’t hurt to open up the doors of opportunity to fresh faces — though for many viewers, the characters of Signal are practically synonymous with the actors who portrayed them with such deft nuance and earnest emotion.

While we eagerly await more news on the much-anticipated second season, perhaps it would be fun to imagine who could potentially succeed these roles, or wax poetic about the love we hold for the original cast. As for me, I’ll be yelling my heart out from the mountaintops: Signal sequel!!

Via Newsis




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