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Things Have Really Escalated In “The World of The Married”… Fueling The Viewer Ratings To Reach An All-Time High

Only two episodes after JTBC‘s K-Drama The World of The Married announced its return to being rated R…


… its viewer ratings reached a new, all-time high of 22.9% (nationwide average)!


In fact, the most recent Episode 10 — so full of shocking turn of events involving all the characters…



… actually peaked at 25.8% in viewer ratings at one point.

With six more episodes left — and with so much story to unfold, viewers anticipate the series to potentially reach 30% by the grand finale.



  • “I have a feeling it’s going to have a rewarding ending, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it went over 30%.”
  • “This is honestly the most addicting K-Drama I’ve watched though. I usually only watch clips on YouTube — but this has been in front of the TV on the dot when it starts. I even sit through the commercials.”
  • “Yeah… I don’t remember the last time I was this dedicated to finishing a series. And I’m sure all the other viewers feel the same way. So it’s definitely going to reach 30%.”
  • “Look how beautifully the viewer ratings grew with each episode. Now that is how you make a drama.”
  • “This drama drives me insane with its characters and plot… but I can’t stop. It’s no wonder people are sticking with the series. It’s spicy!”

The World of The Married is, though controversial at times, re-writing K-Drama history with each intense, bone-chilling episode! Will the married stay married? Will the divorced get revenge? Will the good prevail… or is there no good left?


You’ll have to watch to find out.

Read more about The World of The Married here.

5+ Most Shocking Scenes From The Scandalous K-Drama “The World of The Married”

Source: Koreaboo


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