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BTOB’s Sungjae Reveals Upcoming Military Enlistment

BTOB‘s Sungjae personally revealed through his Instagram account that he will be enlisting in the military on May 11. In a post on his Instagram account, he uploaded a picture of his birthday celebration, and revealed the sad news to Melody around the world.

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안녕하세요 성재입니다. 우선!어제 저의 생일을 축하해주신 모든 멜로디 여러분 너무너무 감사드립니다!(sns,생일광고,이벤트 등 다 찾아봤어요!!^^) 어떻게 이야기를 꺼내야할지 고민하다가 너무 깊은 고민과 생각과는 거리가 멀기에 조금이라도 먼저 직접 얘기하는게 맞을것같아서 글을 올립니다. 많이들 놀라시겠지만 5월11일부로 군입대를 결정하게 되었습니다! 갑작스런 통보에 놀라신 분들도 계실거고 걱정하시는 분들도 많이 계시겠지만, 지금까지 멜로디분들이 이뻐해주신것만 봐도 나는 어딜가도 이쁨받을수있고 씩씩하게 지낼수있겠구나!라는 자신감이 생겨서 전혀 걱정도 없고!!! 맘 편히 다녀올수 있을것 같습니다!ㅎ 연이은 비투비멤버들의 군입대에 어쩔수없는 공백기가 생기지만 우리 멜로디분들이 기다려주시니까 저희 비투비는 더더욱 다시 만날 날만을 꿈꾸며 힘내고 있습니다!! 이제 며칠남지 않았지만 가기전에 꼭 멜로디들과 소통할수있는 라방도 하구, 슬슬 맏형들도 나오고, 쌍갑포차도 곧 방영될 예정이니 조금만 참고 기다려주시면 금방 비투비 멜로디 다같이 볼날이 오겠죠!! 지금까지도 항상 너무 고맙고, 앞으로도 많은 응원 부탁드리겠습니다!! 더욱 멋진 모습으로 여러분에게 나타날 그날까지 건강하고 행복한 하루하루 보내고 있기를 바라며 6성재가.

A post shared by 육성재 BTOB Melody 3X2 (@yook_can_do_it) on May 3, 2020 at 2:46am PDT

Hello, this is Sungjae.

First of all, thank you to all of the Melody who helped celebrate my birthday yesterday.

I was wondering how to bring up this piece of news, but I decided to write this after thinking long and hard, because I will be going somewhere far away for a bit. I thought it was right to tell everyone first.

Many of you may be surprised, but I have decided to enlist in the military on May 11.

There will be people who are surprised and worried by the sudden news, but just from the reaction from our Melody, I know I will receive love no matter where I go and live on bravely! I have no worries at all!

Our BTOB members have enlisted in the military one after another, so there is no choice but for us to take a break.

Our Melody are waiting for us, so we, BTOB, are hanging in there, dreaming of a day we can meet you all again.

There are only a few days left, but before I enlist, there will be a a radio show where I can communicate with Melody, and Mystic Pop-up Bar will be airing soon. The oldest members will be back from the military soon. If you wait a little longer, BTOB and Melody will be back together soon.

As always, thank you so much, and please continue to support us. I hope everyone will be healthy and happy until the day that we are back together.

— Sungjae

Sungjae will become the fourth member of BTOB to enlist in the military. Eunkwang recently completed his military service, while Changsub and Minhyuk are currently in the middle of their military service.

Source: Koreaboo


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