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Drama viewership ratings for the week of January 8-14, 2024

I’m not at all surprised by “Knight Flower’s” high ratings. It’s fun and funny but also, it includes the type of social critique that I’ve noticed domestic viewers tend to like–that of a past that seems far away so one can shake their heads at the hypocrisy and cruelty while feeling that modern society is so much better for women in comparison.

I love both “Flowers in the Sand” and “Marry My Husband” so am happy to see them getting positive feedback in the form of strong numbers, too. With “My Demon” it’s hard for me to get a clear handle on why it is losing viewers. On one hand, I can find things to nitpick or point to–the couple getting together very early or dips in the action–but ultimately, I don’t feel there’s a tidy explanation for why it hasn’t resonated as well with domestic as international viewers. To my mind, it’s as solid, entertaining, and pretty to look at as many dramas that have done much better, so who knows why this one isn’t hitting.

Finally, I’ve been saving “Welcome to SamSomething,” but am glad to see that its ratings are this high. I like both leads a lot, and even though I know viewers have problems with some aspects of it, it sounds like a well done drama. And I know ratings like this make all involved feel good about the work they did, so just on a human level, this makes me feel good, too.


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