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Drama viewership ratings for the week of Mar. 21-27, 2022

I love Business Proposal, but of course it’s a mixture of fantasy and reality and you have to be willing to suspend disbelief. But there is depth in the development of the relationships and I continue to appreciate what I consider a very nuanced performance from the ML, who, hitherto, I had considered a spectacularly good-looking blank. I get the feeling that the actors and crew for this show are having SO much fun producing and acting in it, there’s a lightness and charm to it which is very beguiling. I’m heartbroken to think there are only two more episodes, and I certainly think it will be worth a re-watch in the not too distant future.

Thirty-Nine, on the other hand, is just SO disappointing, it just seems to be a vehicle for one actress and the rest of the cast is there for the ride. And where or where did they find such a disappointingly insipid male lead, his part is so boring I’m surprised he can actually stay awake for the shoot, and the idea that our leading lady would have a one-night stand with him, and practically on first meeting, is plainly absurd. And the misery…………oh the misery!

I’m loving Military Prosecutor too. The Male Lead was amazing in My Name, and I seem to recognise him as being a soldier in DOTS so he really seems to be a rising star. The only thing I find depressing is all the corruption – I’m not a Korean, but in every series, whether it is the police, the army, business or schools, corruption seems to be a horribly consistent thread.


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