LYOL is confused , I think in what it wants to be. The chaebol family is Makjang City and not a particularly good makjang , if I want fantastic makjang, PMR is available.
Anyways, back to LYOL, Hyo-shim is a sweetheart who is a doormat for her dreadful family that inflict wound after wound on her, it’s relentless.
Her drama suitors are cousins from the makjang family. Hyo-shim would not last a day around the toxic criminal mother , lol
There really isn’t a logical bridge that I can see why she would want anything to do with the horrible chaebol family. The writer is having difficulty merging the toxic world of chaebols with the beleaguered filial daughter who is the cash cow for her miserable mother and criminal, lazy, and henpecked brothers.