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Here’s How To Make A HUGE Dalgona Coffee, As Shown By Sean

Dalgona Coffee is the latest trend to hit social media, and singer Sean also jumped on the bandwagon—but with a twist.

On March 28, Sean uploaded a video on his Youtube channel showing viewers how to make, in his words, “the humongous Dalgona coffee”. Dalgona coffee is a whipped coffee drink that took the world by storm because of its 3-ingredient recipe and eye candy aesthetics.


In the video, Sean starts off by explaining how this is his arm exercise for the day. He successfully makes one cup of Dalgona coffee, but he doesn’t stop there.

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He switches to a bigger bowl and measures two cups each of coffee, sugar, and water. The standard recipe is a mere two tablespoons.


He tries to mix the crazy amount of coffee with a spoon, but he soon realizes it won’t work and decides switches to a whisk.

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Even after mixing for a long time, nothing appeared to be happening…

I may be stirring for 24 hours.

– Sean

…but Sean adamantly refused to give up.


Eventually, after a lot of mixing and an arm workout he will never forget, Sean succeeded in making Dalgona coffee good enough for around 30 people.


The finished product? Pure whipped coffee goodness.


Want to see the process for yourself? Check out his video below!

Source: Koreaboo

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