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NASA Confirms That The Moon Belongs To Jin—No, Really!

On June 20, a passionate ARMY took to social media to share their out-of-this-world love for BTS, and one member in particular.

The fan (from hereon OP) sent a tweet to NASA, short for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, saying that they wanted to see if the moon could be given to Jin.

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“Moon” also happens to be the title of Jin’s solo song on their latest album Map of the Soul: 7. It’s a song written about Jin’s love (and the love of all of BTS) for ARMY.

You who stand by me
In the dark night and in the dark day
When you are sad
When you are sick
Just shining on me
I will be by your side
More brightly in the dark night

—Jin in “Moon”

In astronomy, a moon is a celestial body that orbits another larger, stronger celestial body, just like how our moon orbits around the Earth. In essence, any moon’s existence is dependent upon the planet it revolves around.

You are my planet
I’m just a moon to you
Your little star that lights up your heart
You are my Earth
And all I see is you

—Jin in “Moon”

It seems like OP was aware of how Jin feels toward ARMY, so they wanted to make sure he received something back, and just a few days after their post, they got their response.

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The overwhelming reaction has been full of appreciation and gratitude towards OP, NASA, and of course, Jin.

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There was even a suggestion for a future endeavor.

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While the moon might not belong solely to Jin, it’s still powerful to see ARMY so supportive that they’re willing to reach as far as the stars to show their love and support for him.


Check out the official audio for Jin’s solo song “Moon” below:

Source: Koreaboo

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