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Ji Chang Wook worked part-time at a convenience store?

On 3 August 2020, actor Ji Chang Wook was shown holding a daily part-time job at a convenience store for a special promotional event.

Ji Chang Wook was spotted working as a daily part-time worker (known as an ‘albansaeng’) at a GS25 convenience store near its headquarters in Sincheon, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul.  The GS25 convenience store chain is featured in the SBS Friday-Saturday drama “Convenience Store Saet Byeol” (written by Son Geun Joo; directed by Lee Myung Woo) currently being broadcast.  Ji Chang Wook was shown working as a part-timer by coordinating his schedule with the convenience store brand that was supporting the drama production.  He was scheduled to participate in special events, such as ringing up direct payments, until 6:00pm that day.

Because of the rapid spread of Ji Chang Wook’s appearance through SNS, hundreds of fans suddenly appeared.  Women flocking to see Ji Chang Wook paralyzed the neighborhood near the convenience store.  As more people gathered, Ji Chang Wook and GS25 management ended the event at 2:30pm instead of the scheduled 6:00pm.  There was also a skirmish in the process.  With more and more people gathering to see Ji Chang Wook, fans were pushing each other while holding their cell phones and following him through the store.

This immediately raised a controversy.  It was pointed out that it was an inappropriate event amid concern about the continued spread of Corona-19.  The country’s “Keep Away” quarantine guidelines were not being followed.  In particular, people who didn’t wear masks for outdoor reasons were caught and fined.

With this in mind, Ji Chang Wook’s management and the GS25 Retail management have yet to offer any position.  Posts about Ji Chang Wook that announced the notice of the event previously posted on the GS25 Yondae Instagram account have since been deleted.

Credits:  Sports Donga; Wikitree; Newsen; GS_Yondae2 Instagram

Source: Ji Chang Wook Kitchen


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