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Premiere Watch: A Shop for Killers

10 January 16, 2024January 16, 2024

Premiere Watch: A Shop for Killers

Time slot: Wednesdays
Broadcaster: Disney+
Genre: Action, thriller
Episode count: 8

Reasons to watch: Did someone say Lee Dong-wook? Yes, they did. He’s baaaack and playing a mysterious uncle who raised his niece (Kim Hye-joon) after the death of her parents. But now Uncle has also gone to meet his maker, and our young heroine finds she’s inherited, well, A Shop for Killers. Colorful, violent, and definitely on the edgier side, I would venture to say we have another dark drama heading our way, but the goofy poses displayed at the press conference leave me wondering just what we’re in for…

TL;DR: Lee Dong-wook leaves a shopping mall to niece Kim Hye-joon and all hell breaks loose



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